Company History

Heinz Walz (right) founded the company in Erlangen-Eltersdorf north of Nuremberg. The first products were gas exchange systems that were designed in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Werner Koch of the Forest Botanical Institute in Munich.

The company moved to Effeltrich. Since then the wife of Heinz Walz, Hannelore Walz, was responsible for office work and supported her husband.
By opting consequently for open gas exchange systems and differential CO2 measurements, the performance of photosynthesis analysis was continually improved.

In spring, Heinz Walz started the construction of a new building on company grounds which was ready for occupancy in October.

Further development and miniaturization of gas exchange systems for field work in collaboration with professors O. L. Lange (University of Würzburg, left), E.-D. Schulze (University of Bayreuth) and A. E. Hall (University of California).

The State Award of the government of the State of Bavaria was awarded to the Heinz Walz Company for excellent craftsmanship.

Harald Walz joined the company after finishing his study of electrical engineering.
Introduction of an innovative mini-cuvette system, which provides full temperature and humidity control.

Worldwide first serial production of a PAM (pulse amplitude modulated) chlorophyll fluorometer for measuring photosynthesis (PAM-101). The device arose from intensive collaboration with associate professor Dr. Ulrich Schreiber (University of Würzburg). The fluorometer excites photosynthetic samples by short pulses of constant intensity and measures the resulting pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorescence.

Steffen Walz (right) joined the company after graduating as an electrical engineer.

Right next to the existing company home, a new building was erected which provided more than 1000 square meters of usable space to accommodate workshops for precision mechanics and electronics as well as offices for development and design.

The Professor-Adalbert-Seifriz award for outstanding cooperation between craftsmanship and science was awarded to Mr. Heinz Walz and Prof. O. L. Lange (left).
Formation of a “company with limited liability” (GmbH).

Start of serial production of the first portable PAM fluorometer: the PAM-2000.

Fabrication of an outstandingly compact PAM fluorometer (MINI-PAM).

Introduction of the DIVING-PAM, the first underwater PAM fluorometer.

Development of two highly sensitive PAM fluorometers for analyzing algae in natural water samples (PHYTO-PAM and WATER-PAM). At this point, Walz provided a range of PAM fluorometers which was suited for the measurement of photosynthesis outdoors, above-ground or underwater, and under arctic as well as tropical conditions.

Start of production of the first imaging PAM fluorometer (IMAGING-PAM). This device could detect subtle variations of photosynthesis within a sample but it could also be used for high throughput screening.

Introduction and market launch of the newly designed portable gas exchange system: the GFS-3000.

First employment of the new MONITORING-PAM fluorometer in agriculture and horticulture.

Start of fabrication of the DUAL-PAM-100 system, capable of the simultaneous measurement of photosystem II (via PAM fluorescence) and photosystem I (via P700 absorption changes in the near-infrared).

Launch of the ultra fast PAM-2500 fluorometer, with which also fast induction measurements could be made.
Worldwide first commercialization of a cuvette (3010-DUAL) allowing the simultaneous measurement of CO2 assimilation by a gas exchange technique (GFS-3000) and the activities of photosystems I and II (DUAL-PAM-100).

Introduction of the ULM-500 universal light meter. Significant extension of the Walz product range in the field of light measurement.

Serial production of a highly sensitive PAM fluorometer with a choice of 5 measuring and actinic light colors (MULTI-COLOR-PAM).

The Heinz Walz GmbH was awarded The Bavarian Exports Award. The award was accepted by Steffen and Birgit Walz (middle).

Serial production of the MINI-PAM-II was started.

Introduction of multi-color light panel (RGBW-L084) and bypass humidity control (CNF-400B) for the Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1.

Walz entered the field of three dimensional phenotyping by introducing the 3D Version of the IMAGING-PAM.
Start of PHYTO-PAM-II serial production.

With the DIVING-PAM-II, the first PAM system comprising a spectrometer was introduced into the market.

Julia Walz (right) entered the company after having graduated as a Master of Business Administration.
With the start of the serial production of the DUAL-KLAS-NIR, Photosystem I could be studied in vivo in unprecedented detail on the basis of the P700, PC and Fd signals.

The launch of the MICRO-PAM system significantly expanded the possibilities already provided by the MONITORING-PAM.

André Walz joined the company after having successfully completed a master's degree in electrical engineering.
The DUAL-PAM-100 system was upgraded for measuring simultaneously chlorophyll fluorescence in two spectral windows.
The range of applications of the PHYTO-PAM-II Compact Version was significantly extended by the Flow-Through Cuvette PHYTO-II/FT.

Market launch of the WATER-PAM-II which provides various measuring and actinic light colors.
Introduction of the MOBILE version of the IMAGING-PAM that was specially developed for field research.

In this special year we looked back at 50 years of innovation and tradition.
The management duties of the company have been transferred to the third generation. Julia Walz took over the job as chief executive from her father, Harald Walz, who retired.

Innovation and tradition are still our driving forces which make our company one of the world’s top producers of highly sophisticated photosynthesis measuring systems.

Launch of the HEXAGON-IMAGING-PAM. Significant extension of the product range for WALZ Imaging Systems.

Market launch of the Porometer as new leaf-clip for MINI-PAM-II. This accessory is for combined measurements of stomatal conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence.

Beginning of November André Walz took over the job as chief executive.

Launch of the LEAF-STATE-ANALYZER LSA-2050 – a new handheld device for non-invasive leaf analysis.