Scientific Publications using Walz Devices
Source: Google Scholar.
Keywords: (Walz OR Waltz) Effeltrich.
Date: February 7, 2024
Ʃ = 11227
Source: Google Scholar.
Keywords: (Walz OR Waltz) Effeltrich.
Date: February 7, 2024.
Ʃ = 11227
Selected Publications for MICROFIBER-PAM
Lichtenberg M, Larkum AWD, Kühl M: Photosynthetic acclimation of Symbiodinium in hospite depends on vertical position in the tissue of the scleractinian coral Montastrea curta
Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 230 (
Terashima I, Ooeda H, Fujita T, Oguchi R: Light environment within a leaf. II. Progress in the past one-third century.
Journal of Plant Research 129: 353–363 (
Lichtenberg M, Kühl M: Pronounced gradients of light, photosynthesis and O2 consumption in the tissue of the brown alga Fucus serratus
New Phytologist 207: 559-569 (
Oguchi R, Douwstra P, Fujita T, Chow WS, Terashima I: Gradients of photoinhibition in the interior of a leaf induced by photoinhibition lights of different colors
Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and the Future. Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (
Oguchi R, Douwstra P, Fujita T, Chow WS, Terashima I: Intra-leaf gradients of photoinhibition induced by different color lights: implications for the dual mechanisms of photoinhibition and for the application of conventional chlorophyll fluorometers
New Phytologist 191: 146-159 (
Terashima I, Fujita T, Inoue T, Chow WS, Oguchi R: Green light drives leaf photosynthesis more efficiently than red light in strong white light: revisiting the enigmatic question of why leaves are green
Plant and Cell Physiology 50: 684-697 (
Ralph PJ, Larkum AWD, Kühl M: Photobiology of endolithic microorganisms in living coral skeletons: 1. Pigmentation, spectral reflectance and variable chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of endoliths in the massive corals Cyphastrea serailia, Porites lutea and Goniastrea australensis
Marine Biology 152: 395–404 ( .pdf)
Ulstrup KE, van Oppen MJH, Kühl M, Ralph PJ: Inter-polyp genetic and physiological characterisation of Symbiodinium in an Acropora valida colony
Marine Biology 153: 225–234 ( .pdf)
Ulstrup KE, Ralph PJ, Larkum AWD, Kühl M: Intra-colonial variability in light acclimation of zooxanthellae in coral tissues of Pocillopora damicornis
Marine Biology 149: 1325–1335 ( .pdf)
Ralph PJ, Gademann R, Larkum AWD, Kühl M: Spatial heterogeneity in active chlorophyll fluorescence and PSII activity of coral tissues
Marine Biology 141: 639–646 ( .pdf)
Ralph PJ, Short FT: Impact of the wasting disease pathogen, Labyrinthula zosterae, on the photobiology of eelgrass Zostera marina
Marine Ecology Progress Series 226: 265–271 ( .pdf)
Kühl M, Fenchel T: Bio-optical characteristics and the vertical distribution of photosynthetic pigments and photosynthesis in an artificial cyanobacterial mat
Microbial Ecology 40: 94-103 (
Schreiber U, Kühl M, Klimant I, Reising H: Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence within leaves using a modified PAM fluorometer with a fiber-optic microprobe.
Photosynthesis Research 47: 103-109 ( .pdf)