Applications for GFS-3000
Typical applications of the GFS-3000 are the assessment of CO2-asssimilation, H2O-conductance or CO2-respiration in dependence on CO2-concentration, intercellular CO2-concentration, light, temperature, humidity or time of day.
The following graphics show some examples measured with the GFS-3000.

Prunus Cerasus: CO2-Curve CO ...
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Prunus Cerasus: CO2-Curve
CO2-assimilation, intercellular CO2-concentration and Yield(PSII) of Prunus cerasus during a CO2-curve. The CO2 concentration was stepwise increased. In the steady state of each step the photosynthesis was recorded and a saturating pulse given to measure the yield of PSII. For the dCO2 and dH2O zero values, the trace was repeated with an empty chamber and data recalculated with GFS-Win.

Fagus Sylvatica: Gas Exchange with Fluorescence Imaging Result ...
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Fagus Sylvatica: Gas Exchange with Fluorescence Imaging
Result of a combined measurement using the GFS-3000 together with the IMAGING-PAM (see system combinations) on a dry-stressed Fagus sylvatica leaf. The dependence of CO2-assimilation on the intercellular CO2-concentration has been plotted. The patchiness in the fluorescence images is the more pronounced the higher the CO2-concentration.

Nicotiana Tabacum: Temperature-Dependence of Dark-Respiration ...
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Nicotiana Tabacum: Temperature-Dependence of Dark-Respiration
The temperature of a tobacco leaf was increased in steps from 15 to 45 °C in the dark. The dark-respiration increased while Fv/Fm measured with the LED-Array/PAM-Fluorometer 3055-FL decreased markedly at temperatures above 30 °C.

Solanum Lycopersicum: Twin-Measurement with different Temperature Regimes ...
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Solanum Lycopersicum: Twin-Measurement with different Temperature Regimes using two GFS-3000
The temperature control of the Standard Measuring Head 3010-S allows the assessment of gas exchange in an increased temperature regime but otherwise unchanged conditions. Here we demonstrate a twin measurement, where one leaflet was kept at ambient conditions, while the other had an increased temperature regime (+5 °C). As can be seen in the upper panel, the night-respiration is increased at high temperatures; also, at low light levels, the uptake of CO2 is lower in the increased temperature regime than under unchanged conditions.

Solanum Lycopersicum: Twin-Measurement with different Temperature Regimes ...
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Solanum Lycopersicum: Twin-Measurement with different Temperature Regimes using two GFS-3000