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Teaching Chlorophyll Fluorometer
Pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometry in combination with saturation pulse analysis of fluorescence quenching is now a standard technique to assess plant photosynthesis.
In the 1990s, the Walz Teaching-PAM fluorometer (PAM-200) carried PAM fluorometry into university classrooms. Since then, there has been considerable progress in LED and PC technology, enabling the development of a powerful and versatile, and at the same time compact teaching fluorometer: the JUNIOR-PAM.
Outstanding Properties of the JUNIOR-PAM
- Optimized for classroom teaching by small size and ease of operation.
- Controlled and powered by PC via USB line.
- WinControl-3 software for basic and advanced experiments.
- Quantity discount for internship equipment
General Features JUNIOR-PAM
The JUNIOR-PAM fluorometer is a miniaturized instrument capable of carrying out the full range of saturation pulse analysis of photosystem II. A small box of 11.5 x 6.5 x 3.0 cm contains all optical and electronic components. The fluorometer is connected to the sample via a 50 cm long single plastic fiber with 1.5 mm diameter.
The JUNIOR-PAM employs either a blue power LED (Version JUNIOR-PAM) or a white power LED (Version JUNIOR-PAM/W) for pulse modulated excitation light, actinic illumination, and saturating pulses. The fluorometer has a far-red LED for selective excitation of PS I, which is needed for the determination of F0’ level fluorescence.
Two different types of leaf-clips are provided. Measurements in ambient light are performed with a 60° leaf clip. A magnetic leaf clip is provided for dark-acclimation followed by measuring the maximum photochemical yield of photosystem II (FV/FM).
An optional monitoring leaf-clip is available to measure ambient light intensity (PAR, μmol m-2 s-1) at leaf level and leaf temperature (see Accessories).