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High-performance Field and Laboratory Chlorophyll Fluorometer
The PAM-2500 chlorophyll fluorometer continues the line of portable PAM fluorometers which started in the 1990s with the well-known PAM-2000/2100 instruments. The PAM-2500 has been completely newly developed using state-of-the-art technology. Its area of application ranges from saturation pulse analysis of photosynthesis to polyphasic fluorescence rise kinetics (OJIP).
The PamWin-3 software for PAM-2500 runs on Windows operating systems on normal personal computers, but also on ultra-mobile touch screen computers (UMPC). For outdoor applications, PamWin-3 provides a special software interface derived from the basic elements of the software for PAM-2000/2100 instruments.
Outstanding Properties of the PAM-2500
- Latest generation light-emitting diodes for all light sources
- Red and blue actinic light. Strong far-red LED light source
- Fastest portable PAM fluorometer available with 10 μs time resolution
- High sensitivity to measure dilute suspensions of algae and cyanobacteria
General Features of the PAM-2500 Chlorophyll Fluorometer
The PAM-2500 chlorophyll fluorometer is an extremely compact and powerful measuring system. All optical and electronic components are located in a 23 cm x 10.5 cm x 10.5 cm housing. Different from previous portable PAM fluorometers, high-performance LEDs are employed for saturation pulses permitting quasi-rectangular light intensity changes.